Advisory Board
Professor Mark Peletier

Eindhoven University of Technology

Mark Peletier obtained an MSc in mathematics from Leiden University (cum laude), and a Diplôme d’Études Approfondies at the Laboratoire d’Analyse Numérique (now Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions) of Université Paris VI, both in 1992. He received his PhD at Leiden University (1997), and continued to work at the University of Bath (1997-1998) and the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam (1998-2004) before becoming a full professor in mathematics at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Peletier is also a founding member of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems at TU/e.

His research interest focuses on differential equations and their applications to real-world systems. His work spans the spectrum from applied to fundamental, with mathematical contributions to biology, geology, chemistry, pattern formation, solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, and contributions to the theory of variational calculus and differential equations. He has eight current and past PhD students and has published more than 70 papers, with an H-index of 15 (google scholar).

Peletier received a VIDI grant in 2003 and a VICI grant in 2011, and was a member of De Jonge Akademie from 2006 to 2011. He was visiting professor in London (2000), Bath (2007) and Vancouver (2008), and he serves on the editorial board of three international journals.

Advisory Board Members

Professor John Kent

University of Leeds

Professor John Kent did his undergraduate degree at Harvard University in Mathematics in and his PhD at Cambridge University in Statistics. He has spent the bulk of his academic career at Leeds University where he has been since 1977. He has wide interests across Statistics and Probability.

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Dr Jasmine Grimsley

London Data Company

Dr Jasmine Grimsley is Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer at the London Data Company. Prior to that she was Head of Science and Research in the Environmental Monitoring for Health Protection (EMHP) programme at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

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Chair: Professor Rachel Kuske

Georgia Institute of Technology

Rachel Kuske is a Professor of Mathematics at Georgia Institute of Technology, where she was also department chair from 2017-2021. Most recently her research is in stochastic dynamics in multi-scale, delayed, or non-smooth systems, and in stochastic transitions or "tipping points”, with applications in energy, biology, mechanics, and climate systems.

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Professor Colin Please

University of Oxford

Professor Colin Please works on the mathematical modelling of physical phenomena arising in practical problems and interpreting the results into the original context. His research takes place at the interface of mathematics with other disciplines primarily engineering, and bioscience.

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Professor Carola Schoenlieb

University of Cambridge

Carola graduated from the Institute for Mathematics, University of Salzburg (Austria) in 2004. From 2004 to 2005 she held a teaching position in Salzburg. She received her PhD degree from the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2009. After one year of postdoctoral activity at the University of Göttingen (Germany), she became a Lecturer at Cambridge in 2010, promoted to Reader in 2015 and promoted to Professor in 2018.

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Dr Simon Bittleston


Simon Bittleston worked for Schlumberger for 35 years. He joined Schlumberger Cambridge Research in 1985 as a scientist working in fluid mechanics on a range of complex and industrially relevant problems. This work resulted in a number of commercial products. Whilst at the lab he became a programme manager responsible for team of scientists.

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