I was able to use the SAMBa training in statistics, to support training workshops in Mexico and in fact took a break from my PhD to take on a statistics teaching assistant role.
Before joining SAMBa, I was at the University of Szeged in Hungary.
For my PhD, I used stochastic differential equations to describe population models and describe genealogies that propagate prolific traits in surviving populations. A lot of this was done with collaborators in Guanajuato, Mexico and so I spent quite some time there and learned Spanish.
I was also able to use the SAMBa training in statistics, to support training workshops in Mexico and in fact took a break from my PhD to take on a statistics teaching assistant role at the University of Bath.
I’m now a lecturer at the University of Exeter, and also involved in delivering their CDT in Environmental Intelligence
Before I arrived in Bath, I had not covered any high level statistics and I chose to do my PhD research in quite fundamental probability theory. However, being able to not only take statistics courses during my time in SAMBa but also use my knowledge to train others, gave me more opportunities when I graduated and ultimately move into a position where I am designing teaching courses in statistics and training the next generation of PhD students!
I joined thinking I wanted to do one type of PhD but ended up doing a completely different one due to the flexibility that was provided in finding/forming a PhD during the masters year
SAMBa provided a uniquely supportive yet challenging environment, in which one is encouraged to explore their interests and question their limits
SAMBa exposes students to a wide range of cutting edge statistical and mathematical research that will be useful to them in their PhD and later career
I can't imagine studying for my PhD anywhere other than SAMBa
SAMBa offers high level training in statistical and applied mathematical disciplines, as well as direct engagement with industrial partners
I really valued the experience of being part of a cohort of students in SAMBa, which guaranteed that we were not doing our PhDs in isolation, despite working intensively on independent projects
SAMBa’s most remarkable feature is the variety of study options it offers
The SAMBa team understands how to efficiently bridge the gap between the abstract world of mathematics and statistics to industrial research
I found the one-on-one reading courses an incredible opportunity to both learn about a topic in detail, and to get to know a potential area and supervisor before starting my PhD
You get a lot of freedom to choose your research area...and there is a wide range of research areas within the department from which to choose