SAMBa’s most remarkable feature is the variety of study options it offers
I joined the SAMBa programme following the completion of a Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
During my PhD, I was involved in the mathematical description of the random fluctuations which naturally occur in populations of finite size (such as particle systems, bird flocks) using tools from stochastic analysis and partial differential equations. In addition, in the early stages of my MRes, I contributed to preparing the involvement of GKN (a world’s leader aerospace supplier) in the third SAMBa Integrative Think Tank.
I am now an ISTPlus Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria). A substantial part of my current work builds on what I studied during the years spent as a SAMBa student.
The years as a SAMBa student helped me develop critical thinking skills and group work management skills.
SAMBa’s most remarkable feature is the variety of study options it offers. From full engagement in industrial projects with world leading companies to cutting-edge academic research, students can strike the optimal balance which best suits them in shaping their subsequent career.
I really valued the experience of being part of a cohort of students in SAMBa, which guaranteed that we were not doing our PhDs in isolation, despite working intensively on independent projects
The ITTs were invaluable in providing experience in collaborating effectively with others on large projects, understanding and synthesising new information quickly, and liasing with academic leads and commercial partners
Being a part of SAMBa was a great way to broaden my research interests and to apply this knowledge to cross-displinary problems
Being part of SAMBa is like being part of a little community: everyone is super supportive and there is always someone to talk to if you need it (usually with cake!).
(My supervisors) encouraged me to take my own research direction, guided by my interests, and to be involved in the wider community, presenting at and attending a wide range of national and international conferences
My experience in SAMBa shaped me as a versatile researcher with the ability to use maths to make an impact.
SAMBa exposes students to a wide range of cutting edge statistical and mathematical research that will be useful to them in their PhD and later career
I can't imagine studying for my PhD anywhere other than SAMBa
SAMBa provided a uniquely supportive yet challenging environment, in which one is encouraged to explore their interests and question their limits
The ITTs can be really fun. The best part is that each time you participate you come out with a head full of new ideas and knowledge. Truly amazing