You get a lot of freedom to choose your research area...and there is a wide range of research areas within the department from which to choose
Before SAMBa, I studied at the University of Oxford (MMath Mathematics) and Lancaster University (MSc Statistics).
My research was using Bayesian Decision Theory to calculate optimal decisions when modelling different problems in drug development.
During my time with SAMBa I secured a placement with Cytel in Boston, USA. The role was within the modelling and programming team and I was required to understand and identify problems with a proprietary portfolio optimal decision-making software product, and to take the initiative in proposing and implementing solutions to these problems.
I am now a Biostatistician working for Roche, in Basel Switzerland. I work in teams to run studies for drugs in early development, making sure everything is fine from a statistical perspective. We also undertake research-based work involving looking at if subpopulations (i.e. those with particular features or biomarkers) might benefit from new drugs using large datasets of historical trials.
SAMBa introduced me to the statistical methods used in Industry and contacts within the industry.
In SAMBa, you get a lot of freedom to choose your research area, in comparison to other CDTs, and there is a wide range of research areas within the department from which to choose from. The CDT administration is very supportive.
During my time as a SAMBa student, I also enjoyed extra curricular activities such as the gym, salsa society, cooking with flatmates and travelling.
Shortly after joining SAMBa I broke my neck in a bicycle accident. But thanks to the support from the amazing team, I was still able to make a success of my PhD. The SAMBa environment surrounds you with wonderful people and fantastic opportunities.
I can't imagine studying for my PhD anywhere other than SAMBa
Being a part of SAMBa was a great way to broaden my research interests and to apply this knowledge to cross-displinary problems
My experience in SAMBa shaped me as a versatile researcher with the ability to use maths to make an impact.
(My supervisors) encouraged me to take my own research direction, guided by my interests, and to be involved in the wider community, presenting at and attending a wide range of national and international conferences
I had the opportunity to get involved in some international training and capacity building activities with international partners and was able to travel to Brazil and Mongolia to share my knowledge of statistical methods and applications, which was really rewarding.
I joined thinking I wanted to do one type of PhD but ended up doing a completely different one due to the flexibility that was provided in finding/forming a PhD during the masters year
SAMBa exposes students to a wide range of cutting edge statistical and mathematical research that will be useful to them in their PhD and later career
SAMBa’s most remarkable feature is the variety of study options it offers
I was able to use the SAMBa training in statistics, to support training workshops in Mexico and in fact took a break from my PhD to take on a statistics teaching assistant role.