ITTs take high level challenges from external partners and formulate them into mathematical questions that can be addressed through long-term research projects (by invitation only).
Hear from SAMBa students how they decided what PhD project to work on and what advice they have. Staff members outline the different routes to PhD projects in SAMBa and the freedom that is available when choosing projects and supervisory teams.
It's not all work, work, work! Find out what social activities are available and hear advice from SAMBa students on achieving a healthy work-life balance.
Undergraduate summer placements with SAMBa provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to work on a research project at the University of Bath for 8 weeks during the summer with dedicated support from a current PhD researcher. Deadline: 21 Feb 2025.
Watch our video to find out from staff members what they are looking for when reviewing applications and interviewing candidates
Hear more about the first year of the SAMBa programme from SAMBa Deputy Director, Dr Theresa Smith, and from Aengus, Clara, Harry and Josh in Cohort 11.
Watch our video to find out how current SAMBa students found the application and interview process and what guidance they have for applicants.
Four-year programme, including an initial training phase. PhD projects can tackle challenges across the statistical applied mathematics remit.
The new academic year is underway and our 11th cohort of PhD students are settling in - meet them in the latest edition of the SAMBa newsletter!
Staff and PGR students in the Department were treated to fantastic presentations from SAMBa students who are starting their PhD research.
Led by SAMBa alumna, Kat Phillips, PhD Your Way is an online event aimed at people from underrepresented groups in mathematics who want to understand the 'Whats, Whys and the Hows' of applying for a mathematics PhD. The event features informative talks and an opportunity to speak to current maths PhD students.
SAMBa Centre for Doctoral Training is now on Instagram: SAMBa_CDT_Bath.
We'd love it if you would follow us there!
Welcome to SAMBa cohort 11! This week will provide an opportunity for you to explore campus, meet other students and members of staff, find out more about the programme, undertake introductory training and participate in some social activities.
A residential retreat for SAMBa students at Ammerdown retreat centre, set in the heart of beautiful Somerset countryside. Students across SAMBa cohorts will be able to dedicate three days to writing, including goal-setting, structured and facilitated quiet writing time, and review.
The SAMBa conference is an opportunity for students to showcase their work to members of the department, outside the department and at other Universities in a supportive environment.
Partners BeZero Carbon and Rolls-Royce joined us for SAMBa's 20th ITT which took place at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) from 10-14 June 2024
The Doctoral College welcomed over 180 guests to its Doctoral Research Celebration Evening on 13 June 2024. The evening brought students and staff together to celebrate community achievements. Huge congratulations to SAMBa students Beth Stokes, Kat Phillips and Seb Scott who all won an award for their contributions to enhancing the doctoral student experience.
ITTs take high level challenges from external partners and formulate them into mathematical quetions that can be addressed through long-term research projects. Joining us as partners for ITT20 are BeZero Carbon and Rolls-Royce (by invitation only).
“By the way, I’m going to Ulaanbaatar for a workshop in two weeks!” “Wait, what? Are you joking, right?”. Hello, I’m Chiara, I’m second-year SAMBa PhD student and that was my parents’ reaction when I told them I was going to Mongolia. Cue the theme music!
We are very pleased that the University of Bath has renewed its memorandum of understanding with Universidad de Chile, enabling further activity and investment into collaborative research and impact!
We did it! We are delighted that we have been awarded EPSRC funding to continue SAMBa. This exciting news means we will have fully-funded PhD studentships available for a further 5 years, from September 2024.
The SAMBa conference provides an opportunity for SAMBa students to showcase their work in a supportive environment, alongside keynote speakers. This year we are welcoming Prof Martin Benning, Dr Katerina Kaouri, Prof Rebecca Killick and Dr Minmin Wang as keynote speakers.
An exciting trip through the theory of regularisers, Gaussian filters and joint optimisation, and was something I would never have studied if I wasn’t accepted onto the ITT. Overall, this was an absolutely amazing trip... I especially need to thank Jenny, Oliver, Seb and Sebastian - you really made this trip one to remember, and it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fun without you!
For women and people of under-represented gender identities who are undergraduates at the University of Bath. Are you considering a career in research? Would you like to explore your potential and sample the research environment? Up to £3,000 available for summer research placements of up to 10 weeks.
SAMBa's Deputy Director, Dr Theresa Smith will be leading the Bath component of this EPSRC-funded project in conjunction with Prof Laura Smith from Psychology. The £80M project aims to transform the way AI is both developed and used. Among other things, scientists will research new ways to tackle climate misinformation, ease the flow of traffic in smart cities and deliver healthcare that is tailored to the individual patient.
Partners Wessex Water and CameraForensics joined us for ITT19 which took place at the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution (BRLSI) from 29 Jan to 2 Feb 2024.
ITTs take high level challenges from external partners and formulate them into mathematical questions that can be addressed through long-term research projects. Joining us as partners for ITT19 are Wessex Water and CameraForensics.
For current and previous SAMBa students and staff - an opportunity to hear what previous students are doing and what they did to help them to get there. There will be time to catch up and socialise over drinks and canapes and we will be serenaded by the maths choir.
The Turning University Network brings together data science and AI researchers from institutions across the UK and beyond. Network membership will provide new opportunities for data science and AI researchers and further strategic aims.
Are you considering a PhD? Find out more about what a PhD involves, what PhD programmes are available in Bath and beyond, and how to apply.
While I have continued with the research project that was started in Austria, being able to visit and integrate with the culture and the people there was a fantastic experience, and one I am so glad I pursued!
With partners, the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory and the National Centre for Alerts and Monitoring of Natural Disasters, the ITT will take place at Sirius, located on the CNPEM campus in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
We were treated to fantastic presentations from SAMBa students who are starting their PhD research.
A programme of events to celebrate the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, organised and delivered by SAMBa student Beth Stokes.
Congratulations to SAMBa graduate Laura who recently completed her PhD detailing a hybrid physical-statistical model for air quality prediction from traffic data.
Led by SAMBa student Kat Phillips and Patrick Nairne (University of Oxford), PhD Your Way is an online event aimed at final-year undergraduates and masters students from underrepresented groups in mathematics. Join to understand the Whats, Whys and Hows of applying for a mathematics PhD.
Welcome to Cohort 10! This week will provide an opportunity for you to explore campus, meet other students and members of staff, find out more about the programme, undertake introductory training and participate in some fun social activities.
Congratulations to the Maths team who won the friendly summer rounders event hosted by the Sports Department on 26 July. The team, comprising PhD students and staff, took on the Sports Training Village in the final, winning by a crucial half rounder!
The next in the series of joint events between the University of Bath, UNAM (Mexico city), CIMAT (Guanajuato, Mexico), and University of Warwick. The format will be three mini-courses and talks by senior colleagues and students. It is a great occasion to learn about different topics and to meet the international community.
A new book published by Dr Kit Yates discusses how we make predictions, how they can go wrong, and how we can use maths to act as a guide to avoid the pitfalls.
Wolfson Lecture Theatre, 12.00-16.30 Students from cohort 9. who have completed their first year and are starting their PhD research, present an overview of their thesis formulation reports. We will also include introductions to students from cohort 10.
We were joined by partners Syngenta and RSS-Hydro for ITT18 which took place at the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution (BRLSI) from 12-16 June 2023.
A residential retreat for SAMBa students at the lovely Ammerdown retreat centre, set in the heart of beautiful Somerset countryside. Students from across the SAMBa cohorts will be able to dedicate two days to writing, including structured and facilitated quiet writing time, goal-setting and review.
The Doctoral Recognition Awards, organised by the Doctoral College, recognise students and staff who have made contributions to enhancing the doctoral student experience. Congratulations to Carmen van-de-l'Isle, Jenny Power, Pawel Rudnicki and Tosin Babasola who all won student awards and to Pranav Singh who won a staff award.
The SAMBa conference provides an opportunity for students to showcase their work in a supportive environment, alongside external keynote speakers. The work of SAMBa students includes projects in statistics, probability, analysis, numerical analysis, mathematical biology, fluid dynamics, machine learning and high-performance computing.
The event aims at gathering PhD students and young researchers from the University of Bath (UK) and the University of Torino (Italy), and from their closest scientific partners. The purpose of the event is to promote scientific knowledge exchange in the respective fields of research and to foster potential new collaborations.
In May 2023, the Behind The Research team had a chat with Kit Yates, lecturer, author and all round cool dude (link to YouTube video). Find out more about Behind The Research:
Dr Lisa Kreusser has been selected to become one of 30 members of the inaugural cohort of the European Mathematical Society Young Academy. The elected cohort comprises early career European mathematicians, spanning 18 countries and representing a broad spectrum of mathematical activities.
Dr Ben Walker and collaborators from Durham University have recently launched, a new website that aims to bring interactive, visually striking mathematics to anyone that can access the web. VisualPDE has been designed for teaching and allows anyone with a web browser to easily explore a range of complicated mathematical systems.
ITTs take high level challenges from external partners and formulate them into mathematical questions that can be addressed through long-term research projects. Joining us as partners for ITT18 are Syngenta and RSS-Hydro.
Join the Behind the Research Team as they welcome guests Veronika and Lianna who share their journeys in and around academia. Veronika is in her first year at SAMBa, whilst Liana is one of the newest Research Associates in the department (link to YouTube video)
Andreas, one of the SAMBa founders and Co-Directors, has left the University of Bath after more than 16 years, and during that time his work has had a strong influence on probability in Bath and beyond.
A careers day for Mathematics PhD students at the University of Bath offering presentations from a range of employers, guidance and networking opportunities.
Listen to engaging talks from inspirational women mathematicians, and ask them questions about their careers so far.
Coming at the the end of a long winter semester, the Chile ITT provided a welcome opportunity to shift focus away from PhD work, gain international academic experience and work on my tan...
Join the Behind the Research Team as they welcome Henry Writer to the BtR team, and introduce guests Waleed Ali, and Piotr Morawiecki to the stream to chat about teaching opportunities in Academia, what exactly is a teaching fellowship, and routes in and out of academia via teaching (YouTube video).
The Smith Institute's annual TakeAIM competition highlights the crucial role mathematics plays in solving real-world problems. SAMBa student, Jennifer Power, was awarded runner up with her project on making cancer treatments safer with mathematics.
A workshop at the interface between probability theory and biology, where participants work in groups to formulate and solve problems.
The Bath Guildhall provided a stunning backdrop for the SAMBa Partner Showcase on 28 February 2023. The event brought together industry representatives, academic staff, PhD researchers and alumni to celebrate achievements and identify areas for potential future work.
Deep learning in physics represents a very active and rapidly growing field of research. This shift in approach has already brought with it many advances, which this meeting aims to highlight.
Being able to connect with strangers from 5000 miles away with a simple “what problem are you stuck on at the moment?” is something unique to the world of academia, and it is all the better for it.
SAMBa PhD student Jennifer Power wins silver and £1,000 at a maths competition in Parliament for her work on optimising radiotherapy cancer treatments.
We were joined by partners Mayden, the Environment Agency and JBA Trust for ITT17, held at the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution (BRSLI) from 31 Jan to 3 Feb 2023.
Mathematical research brings new understanding of crowd formation and behaviour.
Learn about the history of some familiar characters and find out how truly ingenious notation can be - helping us to communicate and understand complex and abstract structures, and even driving new mathematical discoveries. This is the Public Lecture for the British Mathematical Colloquium 2023.
The 74th British Mathematical Colloquium will be held at the University of Bath from Monday April 3rd to Thursday 6th 2023.
A new programme aims to extract useful information from huge, complex datasets. Bath mathematicians will be building models to identify big dataset anomalies.
SAMBa alumni and researcher on the Maths4DL programme grant, Dr Teo Deveney, has been featured in a case study on the Plus Magazine website, which is part of the Millennium Mathematics Project at the University of Cambridge. Plus is aimed at young adults, students, teachers and anyone interested in the world of mathematics.
Lecturer and Medical Research Council University Research Fellow, Dr Ruth Bowness, is among the first members of the new UK Young Academy.
The 18th annual Bath/RAL numerical analysis day will take place on April 14th, 2023, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Didcot. The day is run as a collaboration between the numerical analysis groups of the University of Bath and STFC's Scientific Computing Department.
A celebration of the achievements of the SAMBa CDT and an opportunity for networking and collaboration (by invitation-only).
Held at CIMAT, in Guanajuato, this meeting will focus on on common interests between researchers in the BUC community. The meeting consists of three graduate mini-courses, talks by researchers from Latin America and Europe, as well as shorter talks by students from all participating countries.
From 12-18 December 2022, SAMBa delivered its first 'ITT de Chile' in collaboration with CMM, Universidad de Chile. The ITT partners were CEODOS/Tara Ocean Challenges, JRI and Alerce.
For women and people of under-represented gender identities who are UGs at the University of Bath. Are you considering a career in research? Would you like to explore your potential and sample the research environment?
Congratulations to SAMBa alumna Emiko Dupont who has been awarded a London Mathematical Society Emmy Noether fellowship to expand her research on spacial statistics. Emiko is currently a postdoc in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath.
ITTs take high level challenges from external partners and formulate them into mathematical questions that can be addressed through long-term research projects. Our partners for ITT17 are Mayden and the Environment Agency.
Come with us as we follow two PhD students through their experience of participating in the 16th SAMBa Integrative Think Tank (ITT) which was held in June 2022, and focused on "Tackling challenges in global energy provisions" with partners Schlumberger and the CEA.
ITT Chile 2022 will take place from 12-16 Dec at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile. The event is organised by the Department of Mathematical Engineering and the Center for Mathematical Modeling of the University of Chile, together with the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Bath.
Meet the team who have developed a fantastic new initiative 'Behind the Research' at University of Bath, funded by SAMBa CDT and the University of Bath Public Engagement Office. Their goal is to show you the realities of academia and the human side of research!
In all, my time in Heidelberg attending the ECMTB 2022 conference was an educating and fun experience, and I am looking forward to attending more seminars, conferences, workshops, and summer schools in the future.
This year, I had the opportunity to attend the 9th HLF in person at the beautiful city of Heidelberg in Germany... I must say that the in-person version of the conference provided an exceptional atmosphere far beyond my expectations
Tosin Babasola shares his experiences of being an invited speaker at the 3rd annual Black Heroes of Mathematics Conference 2022.
BUC Probability meeting focussing on common interests between researchers in the BUC community. The meeting consists of three graduate minicourses, talks by researchers from Latin America and Europe, as well as students from all participating countries.
Gain advanced skills and experience needed to apply for competitive PhD programmes in the UK and overseas, and apply for a £10,000 bursary to support yourself.
Tom wins the biennial prize for the best PhD thesis in Applied Probability from the Royal Statistical Society.
Jenny recounts her experiences at SIAM AN22 in Pittsburgh, her first international conference.
Welcome to SAMBa Cohort 9, we return to the BRLSI for ITT15 & ITT16 and other news.
From the 25th to the 29th of July, I traveled to Reykjavik to attend SciCADE 2022 (International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations).
The women's brunch club has brought together the women in the department and has been a big part of our social calendar.
It was a warm and sunny week in Bath as we welcomed our partners, CEA and Schlumberger, to SAMBa’s 16th Integrative Think Tank (ITT) from 13-17 June 2022.
From 4-8 July 2022, SAMBa delivered an ITT in conjunction with Heidelberg University, Germany. The partners were SAP and Volume Graphics.
Welcome to the 6th SAMBa Summer Conference, taking place Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of July 2022.
Since 2016, Bath researchers have been supporting Data Science training and research projects in Mongolia, involving a range of professionals in the public, academic and NGO sectors, mainly in the capital, Ulaanbaatar. The specific focus has been understanding the interaction of public policy and mathematical modelling.
Dr Emiko Dupont, research associate at the University of Bath, has been shortlisted for the L’Oréal-UNESCO ‘For Women in Science’ Rising Talents Awards.
The University of Bath is leading a large consortium using mathematics to improve our understanding of how nuclear radiation moves through different materials.
We were pleased to be back in person to successfully deliver SAMBa's 15th Integrative Think Tank
SAMBa's 14th Integrative Think Tank delivers successful collaborative research
This Integrative Think Tank (ITT) event was a collaboration between the ART-AI CDT, the SAMBa CDT, social policy science researchers, and two institutions in Mexico (CIMAT and UNAM).
SAMBa's 13th Integrative Think Tank delivers successful collaborative research
SAMBa successfully moves Integrative Think Tank model to an online format.
The successful collaboration between the University of Bath and people tackling air pollution in Mongolia is growing, supported by visiting researchers.
At the end of January 2020, 70 participants explored challenges posed by BT and the Centre for Photonics & Photonic Materials around wave transmission and networks.
ITT in Mexico, co-organised by SAMBa, proves an “experiencia fantastica”
Student-organised event delivers excellent insight into SAMBa activity, research and impact, alongside invited speakers.
In June 2019 SAMBa students and academic staff explored challenges around crisp manufacture and automotive propulsion with partners PepsiCo and AVL.
Staff and students from SAMBa and IPR travelled to Mongolia to deliver a workshop exploring how to use data to develop policy interventions for air pollution.
SAMBa's 9th Integrative Think Tank took place at the end of January, developing skills in problem formulation and delivering novel research ideas
Driving culture change surrounding academic recruitment, especially at early career stages.
On 25 and 26 June, our second SAMBa Conference took place.
From the 11-15 June, SAMBa welcomed over 80 participants to Bath for the 8th Integrative Think Tank (ITT).
SAMBa welcomed over 90 participants to Bath for the 7th Integrative Think Tank (ITT), the largest one to date
Air Quality and Health: a global issue with local challenges.
Sixteen students and three external speakers gave talks at the first SAMBa conference held on 20 and 21 June 2017
Students and partners joined forces to work on formulating problems at SAMBa's 6th Integrative Think Tank.
SAMBa's second 'Where's the Maths?' event took place on 2 March
The ITT brought together students and academics from the departments of Mathematical Sciences and Pharmacy & Pharmacology, and representatives from partner organisations Syngenta and Roche.
A University of Bath delegation to Mexico in 2015 led to an institutional agreement between Bath and UNAM allowing reciprocal exchanges of Master’s students.
Working with Mongolia to deliver impact for data science, health and policy
In November 2016, a group of staff and students travelled to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for a 5-day International Research Collaboration Initiative.
We are very excited to be working with Amec Foster Wheeler and looking forward to a very fruitful partnership.
One of the students joining SAMBa in October 2016 has been awarded a Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowship.
In early June 2016, 90 people including mathematicians, statisticians and engineers gathered in the city of Bath for SAMBa’s fourth Integrative Think Tank.
BUC3: ITT model works with high probability
BUC4 was the third in the series of workshops and labs titled ‘Big Data and Statistics in Environmental Research’
In February 2016, a team of seven academics and PhD students travelled from Bath to Mexico.
In January, Gavin Shaddick, along with PhD student Millie Jobling, travelled to the Centre for Mathematical Modelling (CMM) in Santiago
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics invited 19 researchers to present the mathematical challenges they face in their work.
We hosted our biggest Integrative Think Tank (ITT3) yet in January with almost 90 people taking part.
Lizabeth Peñaloza Velasco is joining the Department as a master’s student. She is the first Mexican exchange student to join the Department.
The first event in the BUC (Bath-UNAM-CIMAT) series took place in Guanajuato, Mexico during November and was a great success.
Following a successful trip to Mexico in April, SAMBa staff have been awarded two grants to continue to build research links.
Dr Alexandre Stauffer has been awarded an Early Career fellowship to develop mathematical tools to analyse random interacting systems.
The National University of Mongolia in Ulan Bator hosted the two week event on stochastic processes and applications.
For our second Integrative Think Tank (ITT) at the beginning of June, over 60 academics, students and industrialists came together for a week of collaboration.
SAMBa visited Mexico as part of a University delegation from 18-26 April.
48 PhD students, academics and industrialists gathered at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution for the first SAMBa Integrative Think Tank.
On Thursday 11 December 2014, the University of Bath hosted the official launch of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics.