Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is an essential component of SAMBa’s success and enables us to deliver the best research and training experience.

Equity, diversity and inclusion are embedded into the ethos of SAMBa. We believe a diverse group of researchers leads to creative thinking, exciting research, big impact, and a valuable training experience.

Diversity is not something that should be forced, but developed from an inclusive and supportive culture, which makes everyone feel welcome. This is integral to the expectation we have that our students will not only support each other, but learn from each other.

One of my favourite things about SAMBa is the variety of people I meet, and ideas I can explore.

I’ve collaborated with people from 6 countries, worked on projects in statistics, machine learning and applied mathematics, and on application areas in healthcare, oil exploration, agriculture, weather prediction and molecular biology. There is a flow of creative ideas, and a sense of being valued. Diversity in language, culture, ideas, outlook and research; SAMBa has it all.

Adwaye Rambojun, SAMBa cohort 2

We are proud to have a diverse group of students and staff contributing to SAMBa, and we are above the national average in most measures of diversity.

We continually work hard to make the SAMBa infrastructure and activities as inclusive and accessible as possible. For example, we upgraded to automatic doors throughout the main department building to improve accessibility for staff, students and visitors.

The Claverton Down campus accessibility page and AccessAble guide for the University contains useful information.

I am very pleased to see that SAMBa is genuinely seeking to build diversity

encouraging students to consider PhD programmes here and elsewhere, making people aware of how exciting this field can be and providing a supportive, encouraging and stimulating environment for their students.”

Professor Caroline Colijn, Simon Fraser University & Imperial College London and former Chair of the SAMBa Advisory Board

EDI activities and support

SAMBa staff and students are involved with running and supporting many ED&I activities, including:

For more information about specific support offered to SAMBa students please see the SAMBa Programme and Student Experience page

We welcome suggestions for activities to further promote ED&I. Contact samba@bath.ac.uk to share your ideas.