Benjamin Morgan

Department of Chemistry

Dr Benjamin Morgan
Benjamin uses computer simulations to understand the properties of solid-state materials. His main focus is understanding the behaviours of battery materials, including solid electrolytes—crystalline materials that allow ion transport, with applications in solid-state batteries and fuel cells—and cathode materials for next-generation Li-ion batteries. His interests include developing simple mathematical and conceptual models that describe and explain complex ion-transport processes, and developing new statistical methods to accurately estimate material parameters and thermodynamic data from computer simulations.


University of Bath Research Portal

Second Supervisors

Wenbin Li

Department of Computer Science

Research interests:

  • Reinforcement learning and its inverse problems;
  • Graph and network optimisation;
  • Continuous state approximation.
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Georgios Exarchakis

Department of Computer Science

Research interests:

  • Learning Invariant Representations of High Dimensional Data
  • Efficient Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Models
  • Deep Learning
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Rohit Babbar

Department of Computer Science

Research interests:

  • supervised learning problems with large label spaces,
  • learning with long-tailed data, and under label/input noise,
  • sparse neural networks for energy & memory efficient training/fine-tuning with LLMs, and
  • generalisation/robustness in deep learning.
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Michael Yang

Department of Computer Science

Research interests:

  • 3D scene synthesis
  • Scene graph generation
  • Multimodal learning
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Ali Uncu

Department of Computer Science

Research interests:

  • Applications of Computer Algebra
  • Combinatorics and q-series
  • Developing new algorithms for mathematics
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Alessandro Leronni

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research interests

  • Continuum modelling of electrochemo-mechanical systems
  • Finite element implementation of multiphysics frameworks
  • Smart materials, energy storage, and developmental biology
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Da Chen

Department of Computer Science

Research interests:

  • Computer vision, deep learning, multimodal learning: general CV/ML tasks in practical scenarios.
  • Learning with limited data: Learning with imbalanced data, long-tailed data, open-set data, out-of-distribution data, etc; incremental learning, few-shot learning, etc.
  • Video processing: multimodal learning with video with visual, textual, and audio information.
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Antonio Pellegrino

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests:

  • Experimental mechanics
  • Applications of artificial intelligence to Solid Mechanics and materials modelling.
  • Impact Engineering
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Jun Zang

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Jun’s research concerns the hydrodynamic loadings on urban, coastal and offshore structures and the impact of extreme events on such structures.

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Dylan Thompson

Department for Health

Research interests:

  • physical activity, energy balance and chronic disease;
  • physical activity assessment, measurement and feedback;
  • nutrition, physical activity and adipose tissue function;
  • exercise, nutrition and metabolism (including immunometabolism).
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