Elizabeth is from St Albans, and prior to her arrival in Bath, studied Maths at Durham University, graduating in 2016.
Elizabeth is from St Albans, and prior to her arrival in Bath, studied Maths at Durham University, graduating in 2016. While there, her fourth year project was about constructing league tables using generalised linear mixed models. When not doing maths, Elizabeth enjoys singing and playing guitar.
Research project title: Methods for preferentially sampled spatial data
Supervisor(s): Evangelos Evangelou
Project description: In general, geostatistical methods deal with data under the assumption that the quantity being measured is independent of the locations at which measurements are being taken. However, this is often not the case. Preferential sampling refers to the situation in which there is some stochastic dependence between the quantity being measured and the process used to select the sampling locations, involving an investigator’s ‘design utility’. Ignoring such a dependence can lead to biased and inaccurate estimates. Elizabeth’s Ph.D. involved investigating and developing methods for modelling such data.
Students joining SAMBa in 2016