Jack graduated from the University of Warwick in Summer 2015 with an Math degree.
Jack graduated from the University of Warwick in Summer 2015 with an Math degree. His final year project was entitled ‘Spiral Waves in Oscillating Excitable Media’ and concerned specific solutions to reaction-diffusion equations and their behavior under periodic deformation of the domain. He is interested in numerical analysis and computation. When away from his desk, Jack is an enthusiastic cyclist, but more often than not ends up back at a desk tinkering with a computer.
Research project title: High-order DG methods for atmospheric modelling
Supervisor(s): Eike Müller, Ivan Graham
Project description: One technique for solving partial differential equations numerically is by using the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. This method has high spatial locality, which improves the parallel scalability and can take greater advantage of modern (many core) high performance computing architectures. A hybrid multigrid approach has already been successfully used for elliptic PDEs arising from subsurface flow. Similar methods can also be applied to atmospheric modelling problems, for instance solving the Navier-Stokes equations in a thin spherical shell. Over the course of the project, Jack looked at the computational and algorithmic aspects of implementing a solver for these atmospheric models and the various different pre-conditioners to speed up the solution.
Students joining SAMBa in 2015