Owen graduated from the University of Bath in 2014 with an Math in Mathematics.
Owen graduated from the University of Bath in 2014 with an Math in Mathematics, where his final year project concerned error analysis of the finite element method, applied to the Helmholtz equation. His mathematical interests continue to be in the Numerical Analysis of PDEs. Outside of mathematics he likes reading, board games and bad puns.
Research project title: Numerics and analysis of waves in random media
Supervisor(s): Euan Spence, Ivan Graham
Project description: Wave propagation problems arise in applications such as seismic imaging, radar and ultrasound scanning. The Helmholtz equation is the simplest model of acoustic wave propagation – solutions of the Helmholtz equation correspond to acoustic waves with a single frequency. Researchers have been studying the Helmholtz equation, and developing numerical methods to solve it, for many years. However, most of the research effort until now has been concerned with sound waves propagating through a homogeneous medium where the speed of sound is constant. Owen studied the Helmholtz equation where the medium is heterogeneous or random. He developed numerical methods for uncertainty quantification for it and proved rigorous mathematical results about solutions. These results allowed him to study the convergence behavior of these numerical methods and suggested new numerical methods.
Students joining SAMBa in 2015