Robbie Peck

Robbie graduated with a Math in Mathematics from the University of Oxford in 2014.

Robbie graduated with a Math in Mathematics from the University of Oxford in 2014 having specialized in mathematics applied to biological systems. He then completed a MSc in Statistics from Lancaster University, where he specialized in medical statistics. His dissertation involved developing adaptive and efficient methods to fit stochastic models when modelling epidemics. When he is not studying, Robbie enjoys playing hockey, watching football, and socializing with friends.

Research project title:
Seamless and overarching approaches for optimizing over the phases of drug development

Chris Jennison, Alun Bedding

Project description:
This project, in collaboration with Roche, concerned the optimisation of the drug development process at a program level. This involved considering multiple phases of treatment refinement and dose selection together. While individual phases of drug development had been studied in depth, there was relatively little work that looked at two or more phases jointly. Robbie’s project used numerical computations and simulations to model different designs which involved computational challenges including (i) trial designs which used a form of gain function, or ‘net present value’, in order to optimise decision making throughout phases, (ii) use of Seamless Phase II/III designs that used data from Phase II in the final analysis, possibly through use of a combination test, and (iii) the realistic incorporation of beliefs about drug safety and tolerability into the program level decision making process.