Trishen Gunaratnam

Trishen graduated in 2017 with an MMath from the University of Warwick. He completed the MSc year of the MASDOC CDT programme there but has transferred to the University of Bath to pursue his PhD.

Trishen graduated in 2017 with an MMath from the University of Warwick. He completed the MSc year of the MASDOC CDT programme there but has transferred to the University of Bath to pursue his PhD. His MSc dissertation made progress towards: i) establishing quasi-invariance of Gaussian measures for the cubic nonlinear wave equation in 3d; and ii) establishing a decay of spectral gap for stochastic quantisation equations of low temperature $\Phi4$-theories in 2d. His research interests lie in the fields of stochastic partial differential equations, Euclidean quantum field theory and statistical physics, although he maintains a general interest in mathematical physics as a whole. Outside of math, Trishen enjoys going to restaurants, seeing live jazz and going to cinemas/theatres.

Research project title:
Singular stochastic partial differential equations

Hendrik Weber

Project description:
Trishen’s research was in the field of singular stochastic partial differential equations. The equations that he is interested in have connections with Euclidean quantum field theory and statistical physics. There has been substantial progress and exciting activity in this field in recent years.