
Exploring People and Planet Health at ITT17
06 March 2023

We were joined by partners Mayden, the Environment Agency and JBA Trust for ITT17, held at the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution (BRSLI) from 31 Jan to 3 Feb 2023.

People and Planet Health at ITT17 - 31 Jan to 3 Feb 2023

SAMBa’s 17th Integrative Think Tank (ITT) was delivered in partnership with Mayden, the Environment Agency and JBA Trust. The ITT model brings participants from across SAMBa together with external partners to reformulate large challenges into mathematical questions that will lead to collaborative research projects.

The ITT included the following challenges:

  • Analysing usage data – making use of the data in Mayden’s patient management system in order to classify usage patterns, detect anomalous behaviours and identify inappropriate access in order to allow therapists to navigate the system effectively.
  • Optimising treatment choice – finding the package of treatment which best suits a patient and maximises the likelihood of them engaging with the treatment and reaching recovery.
  • Model drift – how the quality of predictions from a given model changes over time and deciding when to retrain
  • Climate and flooding – Can the outputs of climate model simulations for the UK help to explain changes in observed river flow data? How can we maximise the potential of flood response surfaces?
  • Can intelligent tools be developed to help automate the production of systematic reviews?
  • Coastal engineering – Do tide gauges and waves exhibit non-stationarity and why? Can we better understand the relationships between tides, currents and waves on the South Coast of England?


We had great feedback from the ITT participants, with one of the students who attended saying:

It was the most interesting and enjoyable ITT I’ve ever had. The partners were so good and talks were amazing.

Future research collaborations

Students compose technical reports following the ITT, which describe the potential of the research opportunities. ITT projects can lead to collaborative research for our SAMBa cohort, via PhD topics, or as smaller group projects. ITTs build deep and long-term relationships with partners that last a number of years.

The Environment Agency were a partner for ITT7 in 2018 which initially led to a short-term interdisciplinary research project and then inspired a PhD project exploring unifying different approaches for flood estimation.


More ITTs to come

We are currently planning for ITT18 which will be held from 12-16 June 2023 with partners Syngenta and RSS-Hydro.

You can find out more about the ITT model, and read about previous ITTs, on the Integrative Think Tanks webpage.

News and events

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On Thursday 11 December 2014, the University of Bath hosted the official launch of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics.

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For our second Integrative Think Tank (ITT) at the beginning of June, over 60 academics, students and industrialists came together for a week of collaboration.

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We hosted our biggest Integrative Think Tank (ITT3) yet in January with almost 90 people taking part.
