Department of Chemical Engineering
Dr Tom Arnot
Tom’s research falls into two main areas: sustainable water and waste water treatment, and novel drug delivery systems/responsive wound dressings. On the water treatment side he works on renewable energy via anaerobic digestion, membrane bioreactors for water recovery from domestic waste streams, and algal photo-bioreactors for nutrient capture. Modelling challenges involve multi-parameter estimation in complex algebraic, ODE, and PDE equation systems. The work on responsive wound dressings involves the development of nanoemulsions to act as mimics of cell membranes, and hence carry bacteriophage to a wound site and prevent infection. These provide interesting fluid flow, transport, and multi-species interaction problems to model.
University of Bath Research Portal
Department of Computer Science
Research interests:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research interests
Research Interests:
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Jun’s research concerns the hydrodynamic loadings on urban, coastal and offshore structures and the impact of extreme events on such structures.
Department for Health