Marcus Kaiser

Marcus Kaiser completed his BSc and MSc degree in Mathematics at the University of Munich, Germany.

Marcus Kaiser completed his BSc and MSc degree in Mathematics at the University of Munich, Germany. He wrote his Masters’ Thesis in the area of random media; more precisely he investigated, among other things, the probability of survival of a Brownian motion in a random intervals and the distribution resulting from conditioning on survival. In general he is interested in probability, its connection to analysis and their connection to problems arising from applications.

Research project title:
Interacting particle models and the geometry of their macroscopic description

Johannes Zimmer, Rob Jack

Project description:
Marcus studied the geometric properties of interacting particle systems and their hydrodynamic scaling limits described by non-linear partial differential equations, such as drift diffusive systems. He looked at processes that can serve as prototypes for non-equilibrium behaviour, having underlying descriptions as irreversible Markov chains. A better understanding of the geometric behaviour and the links between the microscopic and macroscopic models yields new insights, such as the way processes converge to equilibrium.

Cohort 1

Students joining SAMBa in 2014