Matt Parkinson

Matthew graduated with an MSci in Mathematics from the University of Bristol in 2014.

Matthew graduated with an MSci in Mathematics from the University of Bristol in 2014. His final year project was based on studying the application of Piecewise Isometries in tumbled granular flows including a study into the correlations with segregation of granular particles. He has also completed summer internships including Mathematical Research, Investment Banking and Marketing. Matthew enjoys playing football, socialising with friends and playing guitar.

Research project title:
Uncertainty Quantification for neutron transport problems

Ivan Graham, Rob Scheichl, Paul Smith

Project description:
Working in collaboration with Wood plc., Matt’s Ph.D. developed computation of uncertainty in flux and fundamental eigenvalue of a simplified 1D monoenergetic neutron transport problem with cross sections modelled by lognormal fields using KL sampling and Monte Carlo method. The methods started with situations where the transport equation could be solved analytically and went on to consider numerical solutions by discrete ordinates and then by analogue MC simulation. He analysed how the MC error and KL truncation affected the results and associated numerical experiments and applied MLMC methods to the problem while assessing the possibility of applying multilevel techniques to the analogue MC solver for the simplified neutron transport problem.

Cohort 1

Students joining SAMBa in 2014