Allen Paul

Allen completed his undergraduate and integrated masters, at the University of Warwick in 2020. Throughout his undergraduate and integrated masters, he has enjoyed working with topics in PDE, inverse problems and machine learning.

Allen completed his undergraduate and integrated masters, at the University of Warwick in 2020. Throughout his undergraduate and integrated masters, he has enjoyed working with topics in PDE, inverse problems and machine learning. His Master’s project was spent working on applications of deep learning and optimal transport to inverse problems. In his spare time, Allen enjoys watching and playing football, cooking and reading.

Research project title:
Flow-based statistical-shape models

Tony Shardlow

Project description:
The project will develop flow-based methods for understanding and categorizing medical images, with a long-term goal of describing shape variation of bones in psoriatic arthritis. Two key areas to be explored are: i) large-deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping: deterministic techniques for warping two images via a diffeomorphism to identify areas of similarity and difference, and ii) statistical techniques for working with uncertain deformation fields and Bayesian techniques for describing shape variation.