Carmen graduated from the University of Warwick with an MMath, Stat in 2020, with a focus on probability and stochastic processes.
Carmen graduated from the University of Warwick with an MMath, Stat in 2020, with a focus on probability and stochastic processes. Her final year project was on renormalisation group methods for a class of kinetically constrained models on hierarchical lattices. Outside of Mathematics, Carmen enjoys cooking, reading, and travelling (when finally allowed again). Carmen is looking forward to continuing to spot sheep in Bath.
Research project title: The symbiotic contact process on non-lattice structures
Supervisor(s): Marcel Ortgiese, Sarah Penington
Project description: The symbiotic contact process is a two particle type extension of the contact process. We can think of the process as two contact processes which help each other to survive, hence the symbiotic name. The process can be motivated by both disease modelling, where a patient is less likely to recover as quickly from two illnesses versus one, or modelling animal species which live longer in close contact. The process has been studied on lattices where a phase transition has been proved between survival and extinction given the infection rate of the process. We aim to extend on this work by providing results for the phase transitions and critical values for the infection parameter on non-lattice structures such as Galton-Watson trees and random graphs.
Students joining SAMBa in 2020