Oliver Townsend

Oliver graduated from University of Bath with an MMath in 2019. His studies involved analysis and applied mathematics, with a bit of quantum physics thrown in.

Working with Diamond Light Source on adaptive undersampling in Spectromicroscopy. Oliver graduated from University of Bath with an MMath in 2019. His studies involved analysis and applied mathematics, with a bit of quantum physics thrown in. During his fourth year, he completed his project on the Krein-Rutman theorem, studying its linear and non-linear proofs and applications. His research now focuses on adaptive under sampling techniques for micro spectroscopy in collaboration with Diamond Light Source plc. Outside of his studies, he enjoys water sports of all types, especially kayaking on white water.

Research project title:
Adaptive Undersampling in Spectromicroscopy

Silvia Gazzola, Sergey Dolgov, Paul Quinn

Project description:
My project is focussed on making the spectromicroscopy experiment more efficient through the use of undersampling. The spectromicroscopy experiment is a key tool used by material scientists to determine the chemical speciation of a specimen at the microscopic level; the issue is that even relatively small samples take a long time to complete, causing a bottleneck in services. By taking fewer measurements and recovering the missing data entries (one method is through the use of Low Rank Matrix Completion Algorithms), we can reduce the time each experiment takes, and allow a significant increase in the number and quality of scans taking place.